Paired Kidney Donation Pilot Programme
Kidney Transplant


Increase the chance of living kidney transplantation for End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF) patients




In order to benefit more ESRF patients with a new lease on life through living kidney transplantation, the Hospital Authority (HA) launches the "Paired Kidney Donation Pilot Programme" which helps to increase the chance of finding a compatible living donated kidney by exchange between incompatible pairs due to blood group (ABO) or Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) incompatibility



Programme Workflow

Voluntary participation of eligible donors and recipients in the Paired Kidney Donation Programme
Donors and recipients sign an Informed Consent form voluntarily
Matching for a suitable pair from the living donor pool by computer
Donors and recipients undergo a series of medical and psychological assessments
Approval of application by Human Organ Transplant Board
Arrangement of simultaneous operations by hospital for the two matched pairs



1. The matching criteria are determined and reviewed by the HA, with operation of the programme under its governance and oversight.

2. Confidentiality and privacy of personal data related to participants wil be observed.



Recruitment of Participants 

1. Participants must be Hong Kong permanent residents  aged 18 or above;

2. Participants should be intended donor-recipient pairs not able to donate and accept the kidney because of

  • blood group incompatibility or 
  • HLA incompatibility;

3. Participation is voluntary and participants have the right to withdraw from it at any time;

4. Participation is non-coercive and non-monetary  remunerated 



Fees and charges 

  • Fees for pre-donation investigations and subsequent consultations or treatment of eligible donors will be waived.
  • Recipients are only required to pay the fee for HA inpatient service




For enquiry, please contact the Renal Unit of your hospital
